


    1. 具備透視分析之識圖能力。
    2. 熟練基本工具操作、繪圖方法及透視原理。
    3. 熟練透繪圖方法。


    This course offers an environment to allow students station in at a specific time to study the specific course related to perspective drawing reading and nurture their drawing skills, and learn the rational drawing techniques to simultaneously express the emotional aesthetics. Students can apply various materials to demonstrate their vocabulary skills and application abilities in spatial designs through drawing with the bare hand or with the help of tools.

    1. Proficient in drawing-reading ability to perform perspective analysis.
    2. Proficient in basic tool operation, drawing method and perspective principles.
    3. Proficient in perspective drawing method.

    This course is specifically designed to provide students with a site to help them concentrate on making creative plans.