- 概論
- 東西方傳統文化對藝術與藝術創作的理解。
- 藝術傳統與藝術創新:解析的問題。
- 理論史/評論史
- 藝術理論與批評的源起。
- 學院與官方掌控下的藝術理論與批評。
- 藝術家傳記的產生與解讀的問題。
- 藝術理論與美學。
- 十九世紀的藝術評論與社會、文化評論。
- 現代藝術與獨立藝評的對話。
- 詮釋的問題
- 藝術評論的種類。
- 理論架構的建立與詮釋的極限。
- 文化傳統與批評準則的建立。
- 大師與天才;新的評論標準的建立。
- 藝術家作為藝術理論家與藝評家。
- 新的藝術形式與創作關懷對現代藝術理論及評論的衝擊。
Art Theory and Criticism
- Introduction
- Understanding of art and artistic creation in Western and Oriental traditional culture Art tradition and art.
- Innovation: a problem of interpretation.
- History of theories and criticism
- Origin of art theories and criticism.
- Art theories and criticism under the official and academic domination.
- Production and interpretation of artists biographies.
- Art theories and aesthetics.
- Art, cultural and social criticism in the 19th century.
- Dialogue between modern art and independent art criticism.
- Issues on interpretation
- Types of art criticism.
- Establishment of theoretical framework and limit of interpretation.
- Establishment of cultural tradition and criterion of criticism.
- Master and genius: setting up new standard of criticism.
- Artists as art theorists and art critics.
- Impact to modern art theories and criticism by new art forms andcreating concern.
This course introduces the origin, development and current situation of art theory and criticism. This course proceeds with lecture by topics,discussing, and visiting art exhibitions.