- 建立人體骨骼、肌肉等之形狀、位置、比例及運動中的變化之觀念,配合實際人物做印證,以加強藝用解剖學與人體造形表現之關係。
- 課程中搭配名作解析及專題研究指導,使學生由藝用解剖學延伸至藝術形式探討、文化美學及增進論述能力。
Basic Anatomy for the Arts
- This course analyzes the structure of human skeleton and muscles, including their shapes, positions, proportions and the concepts of changes during the movements. Real person would be example to verify the theory.
- Important artworks will be introduced; and students will be guided on project researching that helps students to understand the applying of anatomy and reaches to the exploration of art forms, cultural aesthetics, and the dialectical ability.